What is trauma?

Trauma is any intense event that threatens or causes harm to a child’s emotional and/or physical well-being. When these events overwhelm a child’s ability to cope with what they have experienced, it is called child traumatic stress.

What is trauma-informed care?

An approach to engaging people with histories of trauma that recognizes the presence of trauma symptoms and acknowledges the role that trauma has played in their lives.

Contact your local SEDNET Project
Manager to request a copy of the
SEDNET Trauma-Informed Care
Information Wheel

Trauma-Informed Care Wheel

Florida Department of Children and Families and Department of Juvenile Justice Trauma-Informed Care Sites

Characteristics of Trauma-Informed School Environments

  • Provide predictable and safe environments that are attentive to transitions and sensory needs
  • Develop and implement discipline policies that balance accountability with an understanding of trauma
  • Maintain classroom expectations that are communicated in clear, concise and positive ways
  • Create opportunities to learn and practice the regulation of emotions, modulation of behaviors, and working effectively with others
  • Teach the importance of following through on assignments
  • Help students transition back to school from other placements
  • Provide linkages to mental health supports for students and families
  • Develop positive working relationships with students and families
  • Conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments and implement individualized Behavior Intervention Plans to address individual student needs

Additional Links to Resources on Trauma-Informed Care